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TXFL series air-suction separator
author: time:2019-11-29



  This type of equipment is specially used to separate husks, dust and other small impurities from grains (such as wheat, corns, rice, oil-bearing crops, etc.). It can be widely used in grain depot, flour mill, rice mill, corn processing plant, oil plant, alcohol plant, etc. It is a kind of equipment which can perfectly solve the problem of flour mill - high ash content.


  1.The air suction area is large, and wind power can be saved;

  2.Winnowing effect is satisfactory;

  3.It is unpowered, and the later operating cost is low;

  Technical parameters:

Spec. & model Handling capacity (t/h) Air suction amount (m³/h) Mass (kg) Boundary dimension (L × W × H)
Pre-cleaning Cleaning Pre-cleaning Cleaning
TXFL80 50 12 3000 2800 230 860×2100
TXFL100 65 16 3800 3500 360 1060×2150
TXFL120 83 20 4500 4100 400 1260×2200
TXFL150 100 25 5600 5200 530 1560×2600

Copyright ? 2019-2021 開封市奧盛工貿(mào)有限公司版權所有 Record number:豫ICP備16027044號
Telephone:0371-22932555Mobile phone:185-3786-0811
Address:No. 268, Yuliang Road, Kaifeng City, Henan ProvinceTechnical support:xinpower
Kaifeng Aosheng industry and Trade Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the design, manufacturing, sales, installation and other related businesses of grain machinery and equipment. Welcome to inquire!

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